Gabriel came to me and said, ‘O Muhammad, live as you wish, for you shall eventually die. Love whom you desire, for you shall eventually depart. Do what you please, for you shall pay. Know that the night-prayer is the honor of a believer, and his pride is being independant on others.’" (Silsilah al-Saheehah)
The Dajjal is a young1 fat man, wheatish in complexion with a broad chest and biting teeth. Resembling Abdul Uzzah bin Qatad from the tribe of Khuza'a his head is covered with curly hair with the letters "Ka' "Fa" "Ra'' written between his eyes which every believer will be able to clearly see and read literate or illiterate, he has a shining forehead and defect in both eyes. His left eye has a swelling pupil while he is blind from the right. He has a brisk walk and no children
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